sns account
account of after-acquired property
Contra Account
An account on the balance sheet of a corporation or entity that offsets the balance of a related and corresponding account. Taobiz explains Contra AccountAn ex···
Nostro Account
Definition of 'Nostro Account'A bank account held in a foreign country by a domestic bank, denominated in the currency of that country. Nostro accounts are use···
Capital Account
英文名称:Capital Account 中文名称:资本账户一国国际收支平衡表中的记账项目,又称资本项目,反映国际资本的流动情况,包括合同偿还期在一年或一年以上或未定偿还期的长期资本往···
Current Account
英文名称:Current Account 中文名称:经常账户一个国家国际收支的主要组成部分,包括商品及劳务交易收支。区别于资本账户。The difference between a nation's total exports o···
Zero Balance Accounts
英文名称:Zero Balance Accounts 中文名称:零结存账户又称为零余额账户,指财政部门或财政部门为预算单位在商业银行开设的用于办理预算资金支付清算的账户,其日终···
Nominee Account
英文名称:Nominee Account 中文名称:被提名者账户/代理人账户以经纪行名义注册的证券,其所有权归投资者,存放于代理人账户上。也称“以待转名/行号代名”(street nam···
Wrap Account
英文名称:Wrap Account 中文名称:包管账户一种独立投资账户,是由经纪商发起并提供一系列投资产品和服务组合,由投资管理人进行管理并收取一定比率的费用。···
Joint Account
英文名称:Joint Account 中文名称:联合账户/共同账户由两名或以上人员共同持有的证券交易所账户或银行账户。···
Vostro Account
英文名称:Vostro Account 中文名称:来账在银行同业中一方对另一方账户的称谓,即“您的账户”、“贵行账户”的意思。在交易中,可以应用于互相双方账户的称谓。···
Super NOW Account
An account created in 1982 that offers a higher interest rate than a NOW account but lower interest than a money market account. Specific requirements, such as···
Managed Account
An investment account that is owned by an individual investor and looked after by a hired professional money manager. In contrast to mutual funds (which are pr···
Generational Accounting
An accounting method that considers how current fiscal policies affect future generations. Generational accounting analyzes whether government spending and tax···
Margin Account
A brokerage account in which the broker lends the customer cash to purchase securities. The loan in the account is collateralized by the securities and cash. I···
Separate Account
1. A privately managed investment account opened through a brokerage or financial advisor that uses pooled money to buy individual assets. 2. In the context of···